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双 (shuāng)

1. 双重的意思:两个;成对的;两倍的。

2. 两个人或物一起的意思:一对;夫妻;双方。


3. 用于计量单位:两倍。

How to read: shuāng [shwahng]


1. Used to indicate two of something; paired; double.

2. Used to describe two people or things together; a pair; a couple.

3. Used as a unit of measurement; double.

Example Sentences:

1. 我有一个双胞胎姐姐,我们长得一模一样。

I have a twin sister, we look exactly the same.

2. 这家餐厅提供双人套餐,非常适合情侣约会。

This restaurant offers a set menu for two, perfect for a romantic date.

3. 他们是双方最好的朋友,从小一起长大。

They are the best friends of each other, grew up together since childhood.

Synonyms and Usage:

1. 二 (èr) - used to indicate the number two in a series or sequence

2. 对 (duì) - used to describe a pair or couple

3. 双数 (shuāng shù) - even number

4. 双向 (shuāng xiàng) - both ways; two-way

5. 双重性格 (shuāng chóng xìng gé) - dual personality

Editor's Summary:

双 is a versatile word that can be used as an adjective, noun, or measure word in Chinese language. It is commonly used to indicate two of something, but can also refer to a pair or couple. It is important to pay attention to the context in which 双 is used in order to fully understand its meaning.


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