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jí xīn jí fó


The phrase "即心即佛" is a popular Buddhist concept that means "the mind is the Buddha" or "the mind is the key to enlightenment". It emphasizes the idea that one's thoughts and intentions are crucial in achieving inner peace and spiritual awakening. The phrase is often used in Buddhist teachings and practices.

Example Sentences:

1. 即心即佛,只要我们能够保持内心的平静,就能够找到真正的幸福。


Translation: The mind is the Buddha, as long as we can maintain inner peace, we can find true happiness.

2. 修行的关键是即心即佛,通过觉悟自己的内心,我们可以达到解脱。

Translation: The key to spiritual cultivation is "the mind is the Buddha", through awakening our own minds, we can attain liberation.

3. 即心即佛的道理很简单,但是要在日常生活中实践却并不容易。

Translation: The concept of "the mind is the Buddha" is simple, but it's not easy to practice in daily life.

4. 强调的是通过修行实现内心的平静和慈悲,这也是即心即佛的核心思想。

Translation: Buddhism emphasizes achieving inner peace and compassion through spiritual cultivation, which is also the core idea of "the mind is the Buddha".

5. 即使面对困难和挑战,我们也要记得即心即佛,保持平静和智慧。

Translation: Even when facing difficulties and challenges, we must remember "the mind is the Buddha" and maintain calmness and wisdom.


- 心即佛 (xīn jí fó)

- 心是佛 (xīn shì fó)

- 心如佛 (xīn rú fó)

- 佛在心中 (fó zài xīn zhōng)


The phrase "即心即佛" is often used in Buddhist teachings and practices, as well as in daily life to remind oneself to stay mindful and cultivate inner peace. It can also be used as a mantra or a meditation focus.

Editor's Note:

The concept of "the mind is the Buddha" is a profound one, reminding us that we have the power to control our thoughts and ultimately achieve enlightenment. It serves as a reminder to stay present and mindful in our actions, thoughts, and intentions.


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