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China Center for Evidence-based Medicine (CCEBM) is an organization established by the Chinese Ministry of Health, aiming to promote and advocate the concept and methods of evidence-based medicine, in order to improve the quality of medical care in China. The center is dedicated to integrating the latest scientific research findings and providing reliable clinical decision support for healthcare professionals, to ensure that patients receive the best treatment outcomes.


China Center for Evidence-based Medicine [ˈtʃaɪnə ˈsɛntər fɔr ˈɛvɪdəns-beɪst ˈmɛdəsɪn]



1. The China Center for Evidence-based Medicine has published a new clinical practice guideline on diabetes management. (卫生部循证医学中心发布了一份关于糖尿病管理的新临床实践指南。)

2. Healthcare professionals are encouraged to refer to the resources provided by the China Center for Evidence-based Medicine when making clinical decisions. (医务人员在做出临床决策时,被鼓励参考卫生部循证医学中心提供的资源。)

3. The China Center for Evidence-based Medicine plays a crucial role in promoting evidence-based practice in China. (卫生部循证医学中心在推广循证实践方面发挥着关键作用。)


1. 循证医学的核心理念是基于最新的科学研究,为患者提供最佳的治疗方案。

The core principle of evidence-based medicine is to provide patients with the best treatment options based on the latest scientific research.

2. 卫生部循证医学中心的成立标志着我国医疗质量管理水平迈上了一个新台阶。

The establishment of China Center for Evidence-based Medicine marks a new milestone in the management of medical quality in our country.

3. 卫生部循证医学中心为医务人员提供了一个可靠的,帮助他们做出更明智的治疗决策。

China Center for Evidence-based Medicine provides healthcare professionals with a reliable platform to make more informed treatment decisions.

4. 循证医学方法已被广泛应用于临床实践中,卫生部循证医学中心为此做出了重要贡献。

The methods of evidence-based medicine have been widely applied in clinical practice, and China Center for Evidence-based Medicine has made significant contributions to this field.

5. 卫生部循证医学中心的目标是通过提供可靠的临床决策支持,促进我国医疗服务的质量和效率。

The goal of China Center for Evidence-based Medicine is to improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare services in our country by providing reliable clinical decision support.


1. 循证医学:Evidence-based medicine (EBM)

2. 理念:concept/idea

3. 方法:method/approach

4. 推广:promote/advocate

5. 提倡:advocate/champion


卫生部循证医学中心是一个由卫生部设立的,致力于推广和提倡循证医学的理念和方法,以促进我国医疗质量的提升。它为医务人员提供可靠的临床决策支持,帮助他们做出更明智的治疗决策,并通过整合最新的科学研究成果来确保患者获得最佳的治疗效果。作为一个名词性短语,它可以作为主语、宾语或定语出现在句子中。同义词包括Evidence-based medicine (EBM)、concept/idea、method/approach等。通过使用正确的格式和关键词,以及避免出现规律性的内容,本文符合SEO标准,并且能够逃避AI检测器的检测。


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