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1. 单人可以作为名词使用,表示只有一个人的状态或者情况。:


- She prefers to travel alone, she enjoys the peace and quiet of being a single person. (她喜欢独自旅行,她享受作为一个单身者的宁静和安静。)

- The room is only for single occupancy, so you will have to pay extra if you want to bring someone else. (这个房间只能供一人居住,所以如果你想带其他人来就要额外付费。)

2. 也可以作为形容词使用,表示只有一个人的、孤独的。:

- He lives a single life, without any family or close friends. (他过着孤独的生活,没有家庭或者亲密朋友。)

- She is a single parent, raising her children on her own. (她是一个单身母亲,自己抚养孩子。)

3. 单人也可以作为动词使用,表示使某人变得单身。:

- The sudden death of her husband single her at a young age. (她年轻时丈夫突然去世,让她变成了单身。)

4. 单人也可以作为副词使用,表示独自地、单独地。:

- He went to the party single, but ended up meeting someone special. (他一个人去参加派对,但最后遇到了特别的人。)


1. She has been living a single life since her divorce.


2. This room is only for single occupancy, so you will have to pay extra if you want to bring someone else.


3. I prefer traveling single, it gives me more freedom to explore.


4. She was the only single person at the party, surrounded by couples and families.


5. After his wife passed away, he chose to remain single for the rest of his life.



1. Alone:表示单独、孤独的意思,强调与他人分开或者没有伴随的状态。:“He prefers to live alone, without any roommates.”(他喜欢一个人住,不愿意有室友。)

2. Solitary:也表示单独、孤独的意思,但更强调与他人隔离、孤立的状态。:“He spent a solitary weekend in the mountains, away from all the noise and distractions.”(他在山里度过了一个独自的周末,远离所有的嘈杂和干扰。)

3. Individual:表示个人、个体的意思,强调与群体或者集体不同的特点。:“Each individual has their own unique talents and strengths.”(每个人都有自己独特的才能和优点。)




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