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n. 1. 物体受到的作用力或产生的作用力。

2. 能够使物体改变运动状态或形态的能量。

3. 指人所具有的体力、精力或心理能量。

4. 指人或集体所具有的影响力、力或支配力。

5. 指一定范围内的活动能力、生产能力或竞争能力。

How to pronounce: [lɪ]


1. 力量 (lì liàng) is used to refer to physical strength or power.

Example: 我们需要更多的劳动力来完成这项工作。(We need more manpower to complete this task.)

2. 动力 (dòng lì) is used to describe the driving force of an object or a machine.

Example: 这辆车的动力来自于电池。(The power of this car comes from the battery.)

3. (jīng shén) can be used to describe mental strength or energy.

Example: 在这场比赛中,他展现了强大的。(He showed great mental strength in this game.)

4. 影响力 (yǐng xiǎng lì) refers to influence or impact.

Example: 这位拥有巨大的影响力。(This leader has a great influence.)

5. 能力 (néng lì) is used to describe one's ability or capacity.

Example: 她具备很强的领导能力。(She has strong leadership abilities.)


1. 力量 (lì liàng) - strength, power

2. 动力 (dòng lì) - power, force

3. (jīng shén) - spirit, energy

4. 影响力 (yǐng xiǎng lì) - influence, impact

5. 能力 (néng lì) - ability, capacity

Editor's Summary:

力 is a versatile word that can refer to physical strength, energy, influence, and ability. It is commonly used in everyday language and has various synonyms depending on the specific context. When using this word in writing or speaking, it is important to pay attention to its tone and pronunciation to accurately convey its meaning.


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