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How to pronounce: [dʒæmˈbrɪdʒ] [juːnɪˈvɜːsəti] [prəˈfesər] [wɪl] [æt] [hɔŋ] [kɔŋ] [juːnɪˈvɜːsəti]


Usage: This phrase is commonly used to introduce a lecture or speech given by a distinguished professor from Cambridge University.

Example sentences:

1. The renowned professor from Cambridge University will be ing the Mong Man Wai Distinguished Scholar Lecture at Hong Kong University.


2. Don't miss the opportunity to attend the lecture by the Cambridge University professor at Hong Kong University.


3. The Mong Man Wai Distinguished Scholar Lecture series has invited many renowned professors from Cambridge University to share their expertise.


4. The lecture hall was packed with eager students and faculty members, all waiting to hear the Cambridge University professor speak.


5. After the successful lecture by the Cambridge University professor, many students were inspired to pursue further studies in his field of expertise.


Synonyms and Usage: Distinguished Scholar Lecture, Distinguished Speaker Series, Guest Lecture

These phrases can be used interchangeably to refer to a lecture or speech given by a distinguished academic or expert in a certain field.

Editor's Summary:

The phrase "Cambridge University professor ing Mong Man Wai Distinguished Scholar Lecture at Hong Kong University" is used to introduce a lecture given by a renowned professor from Cambridge University at Hong Kong University. It is commonly used in academic settings and conveys the importance and prestige of the lecturer and the event. Synonyms such as "Distinguished Scholar Lecture" or "Guest Lecture" can also be used in similar contexts.


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