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jǐng qīng


1. The meaning of 冏卿:


冏卿 is a noun that refers to an official title in ancient China, usually given to low-ranking officials. It can also be used as a general term for ordinary people.

2. How to read 冏卿 (jǐng qīng):

冏 (jǐng) is pronounced with the third tone, while 卿 (qīng) is pronounced with the first tone.

3. Usage of 冏卿:

冏卿 was commonly used during the Zhou and Han dynasties in China to refer to officials with low ranks or minor duties. It was also used by commoners to address each other in a respectful manner.

4. Examples:

1) 他是个冏卿,平日里没什么特别的作为。

He is just a 冏卿, nothing remarkable about him.

2) 这位大人虽然是个冏卿,但是很有能力。

Although he holds the title of 冏卿, this official is very capable.

5. Synonyms and usage:

There are several synonyms for 冏卿, such as 常人 (cháng rén), 平民 (píng mín), 平常百姓 (píng cháng bǎi xìng). These terms can be used interchangeably to refer to ordinary people or low-ranking officials.

6. Editor's summary:

In summary, 冏卿 is an ancient Chinese term that refers to low-ranking officials or ordinary people. It is pronounced as "jǐng qīng" and was commonly used during the Zhou and Han dynasties. It can also be replaced by other synonyms such as 常人, 平民, and 平常百姓.


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