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兼 (jiān) [dʒiːən]

1. 兼指同时担任多个职务或从事多种活动。

How to read: jiān (dʒiːən)



- 兼职 (jiānzhí): part-time job

- 兼任 (jiānrèn): hold concurrent posts

- 兼顾 (jiāngù): take care of both

Example Sentences:

1. 她兼着两份工作,每天都很忙碌。

She has two jobs at the same time, and she is very busy every day.

2. 他兼顾着工作和家庭,非常辛苦。

He takes care of both work and family, which is very hard for him.

3. 这位教授兼任了两所大学的校长。

This professor holds concurrent posts as the president of two universities.

Synonyms and Usage:

- 同时 (tóngshí): at the same time


He held positions as department heads at the same time.

- 并排 (bìngpái): side by side


She and her sister stood side by side on the stage.

Editor's Summary:

兼 can be used as a verb or an adverb, meaning "simultaneously" or "at the same time". It is often used to describe someone who holds multiple jobs or takes care of multiple responsibilities. It can also be used to express "both" or "together with".


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