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Citizenship consciousness, also known as civic consciousness, refers to the awareness of citizens about their rights and obligations, as well as their level of concern and participation in social, national, and public affairs. It is a fundamental quality that a person should possess as a citizen and an important indicator for the development of a country and society. In modern society, with the development of information technology and the acceleration of social changes, citizenship consciousness has been increasingly emphasized.



英 [ˈsɪtɪzənʃɪp ˈkɒnʃəsnəs]

美 [ˈsɪtɪzənʃɪp ˈkɑːnʃəsnəs]



Citizenship consciousness can be used to describe whether a person possesses the basic qualities of being a citizen, and it can also be used as an important indicator of citizens' participation in the development of a country or society. It can be cultivated and improved through education, media, and other channels.


1. 公民意识的缺失可能导致公民在社会发展中的被动性。

The lack of citizenship consciousness may lead to citizens' passiveness in social development.

2. 学校应该加强公民意识教育,培养学生的社会责任感。

Schools should strengthen citizenship consciousness education to cultivate students' sense of social responsibility.

3. 作为一名公民,我们应该积极参与社会公共事务,发挥自己的作用。

As citizens, we should actively participate in public affairs and play our role.

4. 应该加强公民意识宣传,提高公众对发展的关注度。

The government should enhance publicity on citizenship consciousness to increase the public's attention to national development.

5. 公民意识是一个和社会进步的重要保障。

Citizenship consciousness is an important guarantee for the progress of a country and society.


1. 公民素质 (citizenship quality)

2. 公德心 (sense of public morality)

3. 社会责任感 (sense of social responsibility)

4. 认同感 (sense of national identity)

5. 公共参与度 (level of public participation)





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