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tōu lái lí ruǐ sān fēn bái, jiè dé méi huā yī lǔ hún

Meaning: To steal three white pear petals and borrow a strand of soul from a plum blossom.

Pronunciation: [toʊ laɪ liː rjuːɪ̯ saːn fɛn baɪ̯, dʒiɛ də meɪ̯ xwaː jiː luː hʌn]


Usage: This phrase is often used to describe someone who is deeply infatuated with another person.

Example Sentences:

1. 她对他的爱就像是偷来梨蕊三分白,借得梅花一缕魂般纯洁无暇。

Her love for him is as pure and innocent as stealing three white pear petals and borrowing a strand of soul from a plum blossom.

2. 他的眼神中透露着偷来梨蕊三分白,借得梅花一缕魂般的渴望。

His eyes revealed a longing as if he had stolen three white pear petals and borrowed a strand of soul from a plum blossom.

3. 她的美丽就像是偷来梨蕊三分白,借得梅花一缕魂般迷人。

Her beauty is captivating, like stealing three white pear petals and borrowing a strand of soul from a plum blossom.

4. 他为她做的一切都是如此地用心,仿佛是偷来梨蕊三分白,借得梅花一缕魂般珍贵。

Everything he does for her is so thoughtful, as if he had stolen three white pear petals and borrowed a strand of soul from a plum blossom.

5. 她的爱情故事就像是偷来梨蕊三分白,借得梅花一缕魂般美丽动人。

Her love story is as beautiful and touching as stealing three white pear petals and borrowing a strand of soul from a plum blossom.

Synonyms and Usage:

1. 倾心 (qīng xīn): to be deeply infatuated with someone

Example: 他对她倾心已久,仿佛是偷来梨蕊三分白,借得梅花一缕魂般无法自拔。

He has been deeply infatuated with her for a long time, as if he had stolen three white pear petals and borrowed a strand of soul from a plum blossom and cannot break free.

2. 痴心 (chī xīn): foolishly in love

Example: 她的痴心让他感动,仿佛是偷来梨蕊三分白,借得梅花一缕魂般令人心动。

Her foolish love touched him, as if she had stolen three white pear petals and borrowed a strand of soul from a plum blossom, making his heart flutter.

3. 痴迷 (chī mí): obsessed

Example: 他对她的痴迷就像是偷来梨蕊三分白,借得梅花一缕魂般无法自拔。

His obsession with her is like stealing three white pear petals and borrowing a strand of soul from a plum blossom, unable to break free.

4. 痴情 (chī qíng): lovesick

Example: 她的痴情让他感动,仿佛是偷来梨蕊三分白,借得梅花一缕魂般令人心动。

Her lovesickness touched him, as if she had stolen three white pear petals and borrowed a strand of soul from a plum blossom, making his heart flutter.

5. 痴爱 (chī ài): foolish love

Example: 他对她的痴爱就像是偷来梨蕊三分白,借得梅花一缕魂般纯洁无暇。

His foolish love for her is as pure and innocent as stealing three white pear petals and borrowing a strand of soul from a plum blossom.

Editor's Note:

"偷来梨蕊三分白,借得梅花一缕魂" is a poetic phrase that describes the purity and intensity of love. It can also be used to express one's deep infatuation or admiration for someone. This phrase should be used in a romantic or poetic context, and not in everyday conversations.


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