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kǎn kǎn



1. 侃侃 (kǎn kǎn)


2. How to read: kǎn kǎn

[noun] Confident and eloquent manner. Describes someone who speaks with vigor, firm attitude and full of confidence.

3. Usage:

侃侃 is usually used as an adjective to describe someone's way of speaking or attitude towards something. It can also be used as a verb, meaning to speak confidently and eloquently.

4. Examples:

1) 他侃侃而谈,让所有人都被他的观点所吸引。

He spoke confidently and eloquently, captivating everyone with his views.

2) 她一直以来都是一个侃侃女孩,从不怕挑战。

She has always been a confident girl, never afraid of challenges.

5. Synonyms:

- 滔滔不绝 (tāo tāo bù jué): talk continuously without pause

- 谈笑风生 (tán xiào fēng shēng): chat and laugh merrily

- 自信满满 (zì xìn mǎn mǎn): full of confidence

6. Editor's note:

侃侃 is a positive term that describes someone's confident and eloquent manner of speaking. It can also be seen as a desirable trait, as it shows the person's self-assurance and ability to express themselves effectively. However, it is important to use it appropriately and not come across as arrogant or boastful.


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