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líng shì



1. 佥事的意思:古代官职,是古代官员的一种称谓,也是古代朝廷中的一个官职。

2. 怎么读(音标):líng shì。

3. 用法:佥事一词是古代官职,现在已经不再使用。但是在历史文献或者古代小说中仍然可以见到这个词。

4. 例句1-5句且中英对照:


He was appointed as a low-ranking official, responsible for managing the documents of the court.


He once held the position of a low-ranking official and later was promoted to a high-ranking minister.


In ancient times, the position of a low-ranking official was very important, in charge of confidential documents of the state.


It is said that this emperor once held the position of a low-ranking official when he was young and had great achievements in politics.


In the novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Cao Cao once served as a low-ranking official and later became a great general.

5. 同义词及用法:古代官职中还有类似的称谓,如丞相、尚书等,都是指不同级别的官员。在现代,可以用“低级官员”或者“小官”来表达类似的意思。

6. 编辑总结:佥事是古代官职中的一种,指的是低级别的官员。虽然现在已经不再使用这个词,但是在历史文献或者古代小说中仍然可以见到。同义词有“丞相”、“尚书”等,现代可以用“低级官员”或者“小官”来表达类似的意思。


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