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1. 你收到我给你的生日贺卡了吗?的意思是询问对方是否收到了自己寄给他们的生日贺卡。中文意思:你是否收到了我送给你的生日祝福卡片?英文:Did you receive the birthday card I sent you? 音标:[dɪd juː rɪ'siːv ðə 'bɜːθdeɪ kɑːd aɪ sent juː]


2. 怎么读(音标):[dɪd juː rɪ'siːv ðə 'bɜːθdeɪ kɑːd aɪ sent juː]

3. 用法:这句话通常用于询问对方是否收到自己寄送的贺卡,表达关心和祝福之意。

4. 例句:

a) Did you receive the birthday card I sent you? 你收到我给你的生日贺卡了吗?

b) I hope you received my birthday card. 我希望你收到了我的生日贺卡。

c) Have you received my birthday card yet? 你已经收到我的生日贺卡了吗?

d) I wonder if you have received my birthday card. 我想知道你是否已经收到我的生日贺卡。

e) Did you get the birthday card I mailed to you? 你收到我邮寄给你的生日贺卡了吗?

5. 同义词及用法:

a) Have you got the birthday card I sent you? 你收到我给你的生日贺卡了吗?(got为非正式用语,表示“收到”)

b) Did the birthday card I sent you arrive? 我寄给你的生日贺卡到达了吗?(arrive为更正式用语)

c) Have you received my birthday greetings? 你收到我的生日祝福了吗?(greetings为更广泛的祝福,不仅限于贺卡)

d) Did the birthday card I mailed to you reach you? 我邮寄给你的生日贺卡送达了吗?(mailed to为更正式用语)

6. 编辑总结:这句话是询问对方是否收到自己寄送的生日贺卡,表达关心和祝福之意。同义词有“have you got/received/gotten/arrived/reached my birthday card”等。在写作中可以根据场合和语气选择不同的表达方式。


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