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何当一来游,惬我雪山诺 [hé dāng yī lái yóu, qiè wǒ xuě shān nuò]





1. 坐在雪山脚下,望着远处巍峨的群峰,不禁感叹道:“何当一来游,惬我雪山诺啊!”

Sitting at the foot of the snow-capped mountain and looking at the towering peaks in the distance, I couldn't help but exclaim: "When will I come here to enjoy the beauty of the snow mountain?"

2. 在这片美妙的雪山之中,我仿佛置身仙境,心中不由得想起那句诗:“何当一来游,惬我雪山诺。”

In this wonderful snow mountain, I felt like I was in a fairyland, and couldn't help but think of that poem: "When will I come here to enjoy the beauty of the snow mountain?"

3. 每次来到这里,我都会被这片雪山的壮美所吸引,仿佛听到了它在呼唤着我:“何当一来游,惬我雪山诺。”

Every time I come here, I am attracted by the magnificent beauty of this snow mountain, as if I can hear it calling out to me: "When will you come here to enjoy the beauty of the snow mountain?"

4. 无论是在清晨还是傍晚,站在这里欣赏日出或者日落,都能感受到那种心旷神怡的感觉:“何当一来游,惬我雪山诺。”

Whether it's in the early morning or evening, standing here and watching the sunrise or sunset, one can feel that refreshing feeling: "When will I come here to enjoy the beauty of the snow mountain?"

5. 有人说,只有亲身来到这里才能体会到“何当一来游,惬我雪山诺”这句话的真正含义。而现在,终于轮到我来感受这片雪山的魅力了。

Some say that only by coming here in person can one truly understand the meaning of "When will I come here to enjoy the beauty of the snow mountain?" And now, it's finally my turn to experience the charm of this snow mountain.


1. 惬意欣赏:形容心情愉悦地欣赏美景。

2. 赞叹不已:形容对于美景感到惊叹和赞美。

3. 仙境般的美景:比喻美丽如仙境般的自然风景。

4. 心旷神怡:形容心情开朗、舒畅。

5. 魅力无穷:形容某样事物具有无限的吸引力。




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