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怎么读(音标):dī gū,[diːɡuː]



1. The company is going through a low point and is facing financial difficulties. 公司正在经历低谷期,面临着财务困难。


2. After the breakup, she fell into a deep depression and her life hit rock bottom. 分手后,她陷入了深深的抑郁之中,生活陷入了低谷。

3. The country's economy has been in a downward spiral for the past few years, with no signs of improvement. 过去几年来,该国经济一直在持续下滑,没有任何改善迹象。

4. He was at the lowest point of his career when he got laid off from his job. 他被解雇时正处于事业的最低谷。

5. Despite being in a slump, the team managed to turn things around and win the championship. 尽管处于低谷期,但球队设法扭转局面并赢得了冠。


1. The economy has been in a slump for the past few years.

2. The company is facing financial difficulties due to the economic downturn.

3. After the divorce, she fell into a deep depression and her life hit rock bottom.

4. The country's economy has been in a downward spiral for the past few years.

5. Despite being in a downturn, the team managed to turn things around and win the championship.



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