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1. 作为动词时,常与介词“出”连用,表示身体或物体向外延伸。:


- She stretched her arms out to reach the book on the shelf.(她伸出手臂去够上架上的书。)

- The cat stretched its body out on the windowsill.(猫在窗台上舒展了它的身子。)

2. 也可用来表示扩大某种能力或影响力。:

- The new policy will help to stretch our company's reach in the international market.(新将有助于扩大我们公司在国际市场上的影响力。)

- He stretched his imagination and came up with a brilliant idea.(他发挥想象力,想出了一个绝妙的主意。)

3. 作为名词时,常用于“伸缩”、“伸展”等短语中,表示身体或物体的延伸。:

- The yoga instructor taught us some stretching exercises to improve our flexibility.(瑜伽教练教我们一些伸展运动来提高柔韧性。)

- The telescope has a maximum stretch of 100 times.(这个望远镜最大的伸缩倍数是100倍。)

4. 另外,也可用来表示某种能力或影响力的扩大。:

- The company's recent success is due to the stretch of its marketing strategies.(公司最近的成功归功于营销策略的扩大。)

- His promotion to manager was a stretch for someone with no previous experience.(他晋升为经理对于之前没有经验的人来说是一种挑战。)


1. She stretched her arms out and yawned.


2. He stretched his legs and stood up from the chair.


3. The company is looking to stretch its reach in the Asian market.


4. It was a real stretch for him to finish the marathon in under 3 hours.


5. The elastic band has a stretch of 10 centimeters.



1. 延伸(yán shēn):作为动词,意思与伸相近,可以指身体或物体的延伸,也可以指能力或影响力的扩大。:

- The river stretches for miles.(这条河延伸数英里。)

- We need to extend our deadline to finish the project.(我们需要延长完成项目的截止日期。)

2. 伸展(shēn zhǎn):作为动词,意思与伸相近,都可以表示身体或物体的延伸;作为名词,常用于“伸展运动”中,表示身体的柔韧性训练。:

- She stretched her legs out on the beach chair and enjoyed the sun.(她把腿舒展在沙滩椅上享受阳光。)

- Yoga is a great way to improve your flexibility through stretching and breathing exercises.(瑜伽是通过伸展和呼吸运动来提高柔韧性的好方法。)




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