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what does the above mean? / wǒ de shì shénme yìsi / 我的是什么意思



wǒ de shì shénme yìsi / wǒ de shì shénme yìsi /


以上的 can be used as an adjective or pronoun to refer to something that has been mentioned previously or is located higher in position. It can also be used as a preposition to indicate something that is above or over something else.


1. 你能帮我把上面那个箱子拿下来吗?(nǐ néng bāng wǒ bǎ shàngmiàn nà ge xiāngzi ná xiàlai ma?)

Can you help me take down the box above?

2. 我们需要把以上提到的事情都解决掉。(wǒmen xūyào bǎ yǐshàng tí dào de shìqing dōu jiějué diào.)

We need to solve all the things mentioned above.

3. 请注意以上所述内容,这对你很重要。(qǐng zhùyì yǐshàng suǒshù nèiróng, zhè duì nǐ hěn zhòngyào.)

Please pay attention to the content mentioned above, it's important for you.

4. 这些书籍都是以上学生捐赠的。(zhèxiē shūjí dōu shì yǐshàng xuéshēng juānzèng de.)

These books were donated by the students above.

5. 以上的解释是否清楚明白?(yǐshàng de jiěshì shìfǒu qīngchǔ míngbai?)

Is the explanation above clear?


上面 (shàngmiàn) is a synonym of 以上 (yǐshàng) and can be used interchangeably in most cases. Other synonyms include 上方 (shàngfāng), 上层 (shàngcéng), and 上级 (shàngjí).


以上的 is a commonly used phrase in Chinese, which can be translated as "the above" or "the aforementioned." It is a versatile word that can be used in various contexts, such as in written or spoken language, formal or informal situations. It is important to pay attention to the context when using this phrase to avoid confusion.


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