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rén qì wǒ qǔ, rén qǔ wǒ yǔ




1. 在这个世界上,很多时候我们都要学会“人弃我取, 人取我与”的道理。

In this world, we often have to learn the lesson of "when others give up, we may gain; when we give up, others may gain."

2. 他曾经经历过很多挫折和失败,但他始终坚持不懈地追求自己的梦想,“人弃我取, 人取我与”。

He has experienced a lot of setbacks and failures, but he always perseveres in pursuing his dreams. "When others give up, he may gain; when he gives up, others may gain."

3. 在商业竞争中,有时候我们需要学会“人弃我取, 人取我与”的策略,才能在激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出。

In business competition, sometimes we need to learn the strategy of "when others give up, we may gain; when we give up, others may gain" in order to stand out in the fierce market competition.

4. 这个项目的成功是建立在团队成员们相互帮助、相互学习的基础上的,正是因为他们懂得“人弃我取, 人取我与”的道理。

The success of this project is based on team members helping and learning from each other. It is precisely because they understand the principle of "when others give up, we may gain; when we give up, others may gain."

5. 在友谊中,我们也需要学会“人弃我取, 人取我与”的原则。只有当我们真心付出时,才能收获真挚的友谊。

In friendship, we also need to learn the principle of "when others give up, we may gain; when we give up, others may gain." Only when we sincerely give can we reap true friendship.


1. 机遇均等:指每个人都有平等的机会;

2. 拾遗补缺:指当别人放弃时,自己可以补救;

3. 鱼与熊掌:指两者不可兼得;

4. 人生如戏:指生活就像一场戏,有得也有失;

5. 胜利者通吃:指最终获胜的一方可以获得所有的利益。


“人弃我取, 人取我与”这句成语是一个非常经典的比喻,它可以用来形容在竞争中的得失关系,也可以用来劝诫我们要懂得珍惜眼前拥有的东西。在现实生活中,我们常常会遇到各种竞争,无论是工作、学习还是生活中的竞争,都需要我们保持积极的心态,学会“人弃我取, 人取我与”的策略。只有这样,我们才能在竞争中不断进步、不断成长,并最终获得成功。


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