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Chinese soft science refers to a discipline that applies scientific methods and technological means to research and solve practical problems in fields such as software engineering, computer science, and information technology. It involves multiple disciplines, including computer science, mathematics, economics, and management.


[zhōng guó ruǎn kē xué]


[ʈʂʊŋ˥ ɡwo˥ ɻwɛn˧ kʰɤ˧ ɕy̯e˨]



China soft science can be applied in various fields such as software development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, etc., to provide theoretical support and technical guidance for solving practical problems. It can also serve as an interdisciplinary research method to establish connections between different fields and promote knowledge exchange and innovation.


1. 软科学的发展对推动信息技术起到了重要作用。

The development of China soft science has played an important role in promoting the information technology revolution.

2. 软科学的研究成果为企业的数字化转型提供了有效的解决方案。

The research achievements of China soft science provide effective solutions for the digital transformation of enterprises.

3. 软科学家们在人工智能领域取得了许多突破性进展。

Chinese soft scientists have made many breakthroughs in the field of artificial intelligence.

4. 软科学的发展也受到了和企业的高度重视。

The development of China soft science has also received high attention from the government and enterprises.

5. 通过与国际合作,软科学已经成为国际上具有影响力的学术领域之一。

Through international cooperation, China soft science has become one of the influential academic fields internationally.



China soft science is closely related to fields such as computer science, information technology, and data science, but it emphasizes the use of scientific methods and technological means to solve practical problems, which is different from pure theoretical research. Therefore, it can be regarded as an applied type of computer science or information technology.




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