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China Doll - Monolid Girl refers to a type of beautiful women with Chinese characteristics, they have monolid eyes which give people a pure and lively feeling. This type of girl usually has delicate facial features, full of oriental charm. In Chinese culture, dolls also represent innocence and cuteness, so this term also carries a certain sense of intimacy.



娃娃 - 单眼皮女生 [zhōng guó wá wa - dān yǎn pí nǚ shēng]



This term is usually used to describe Chinese women with monolid eyes, it can be used as a noun or an adjective. It can be used to compliment a woman's beauty and uniqueness.


1. 她是一个典型的娃娃-单眼皮女生,她的双眸像两颗明亮的星星。

She is a typical China Doll - Monolid Girl, her eyes are like two bright stars.

2. 这个电影中的女主角是一位娃娃-单眼皮女生,她的美丽让人难以忘怀。

The leading actress in this movie is a China Doll - Monolid Girl, her beauty is unforgettable.

3. 她是一位具有东方魅力的娃娃-单眼皮女生,每次出现都会吸引无数人的目光。

She is a China Doll - Monolid Girl with oriental charm, she always attracts countless people's attention whenever she appears.

4. 她有着一张清秀的面容,加上单眼皮双眸,更添了几分灵动和可爱。

She has a delicate face, plus monolid eyes, which adds a touch of liveliness and cuteness.

5. 这个品牌宣传海报上的模特就是一位娃娃-单眼皮女生,她完美地展现了东方美丽。

The model on the promotional poster of this brand is a China Doll - Monolid Girl, she perfectly showcases the beauty of the East.


1. 东方佳人 [dōng fāng jiā rén]:也指具有东方魅力的女性,可以用来形容娃娃-单眼皮女生。

2. 华裔美女 [huá yì měi nǚ]:指具有华裔血统的美丽女性,也可以用来形容娃娃-单眼皮女生。

3. 美人胚子 [měi rén pēi zi]:形容一个女性具有美丽的面容,也可以用来形容娃娃-单眼皮女生。

4. 东方花朵 [dōng fāng huā duǒ]:比喻具有东方特色的美丽女性,也可以用来形容娃娃-单眼皮女生。

5. 佳人玉貌 [jiā rén yù mào]:形容一个女性美丽如玉,也可以用来形容娃娃-单眼皮女生。




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