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不成 (bù chéng)


1. 没有成功或达到预期的结果,无法实现或完成某件事情。

How to read: bù chéng (sounds like "boo chung")

Usage: 通常用于否定句,表示不可能、不可行、不能够等意思。

Example sentences:

1. 我的计划最终没能实现,真是太遗憾了。 (Wǒ de jìhuà zuìzhōng méi néng shíxiàn, zhēnshi tài yíhàn le.) - My plan didn't work out in the end, it's such a pity.

2. 这个问题我不知道怎么解决,真是不成了。 (Zhège wèntí wǒ bù zhīdào zěnme jiějué, zhēnshi bùchéngle.) - I don't know how to solve this problem, it's impossible.

3. 我们必须要找到一个解决方案,否则这个项目就会不成。 (Wǒmen bìxū yào zhǎodào yīgè jiějué fāng'àn, fǒuzé zhège xiàngmù jiù huì bùchéng.) - We have to find a solution, otherwise this project will fail.

Synonyms: 失败 (shībài), 不成功 (bù chéng gōng)

Editor's summary: 不成 is used to describe something that cannot be achieved or completed successfully. It is often used in negative sentences and has a similar meaning to 失败 and 不成功.


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