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一:上海防酸牙膏(加强型)的意思是指一种具有加强防酸功能的牙膏,可以有效预防牙齿受到酸性物质侵蚀而引发的牙龈问题。中文名称为上海防酸牙膏(加强型),英文名称为Shanghai Acid-proof Toothpaste (Enhanced). 音标为 [ˈʃæŋhaɪ æsɪd pruːf ˈtuθpeɪst (ɪnˈhænst)].

二:怎么读(音标):[ˈʃæŋhaɪ æsɪd pruːf ˈtuθpeɪst (ɪnˈhænst)]




1. I have been using Shanghai Acid-proof Toothpaste (Enhanced) for a month now and my gums no longer bleed when I brush my teeth. 我已经使用上海防酸牙膏(加强型)一个月了,现在刷牙时我的牙龈不再出血了。

2. The dentist recommended Shanghai Acid-proof Toothpaste (Enhanced) to me as I have sensitive teeth and it has greatly reduced my tooth sensitivity. 我因为牙齿敏感,牙医推荐我使用上海防酸牙膏(加强型),它大大减轻了我的牙齿敏感问题。

3. My friend used to have bad breath, but after using Shanghai Acid-proof Toothpaste (Enhanced), her breath has become much fresher. 我的朋友以前口臭很严重,但是使用上海防酸牙膏(加强型)后,她的口气变得清新多了。

4. I always carry a travel-sized tube of Shanghai Acid-proof Toothpaste (Enhanced) with me when I go on trips, it's my must-have toothpaste! 每次出门旅行,我都会带上一支旅行装的上海防酸牙膏(加强型),它是我的必备牙膏!

5. My daughter loves the strawberry flavor of Shanghai Acid-proof Toothpaste (Enhanced), now she enjoys brushing her teeth every day. 我女儿非常喜欢上海防酸牙膏(加强型)的草莓味道,现在她每天都很享受刷牙。

五:同义词及用法:防酸牙膏 (acid-proof toothpaste),防酸牙膏是一种具有抗酸功能的牙膏,可以有效预防牙齿受到酸性物质侵蚀而引发的牙龈问题。与上海防酸牙膏(加强型)相同,建议每天早晚各刷两次。



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