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三朝(San Chao)


英 ['sæn tʃaʊ]

美 ['sæn tʃaʊ]


1. 三朝者,指历史上的三个朝代,分别是西汉、东晋和唐朝。

Three Dynasties refers to the three dynasties in Chinese history, namely Western Han, Eastern Jin and Tang Dynasty.


1. 三朝之后,进入了五胡十六国时期。

After the Three Dynasties, China entered the period of Five Barbarians and Sixteen Kingdoms.

2. 唐太宗是唐朝最具影响力的皇帝之一,在他期间,唐朝达到了鼎盛时期。

Emperor Taizong of Tang was one of the most influential emperors in Tang Dynasty, during his reign, Tang Dynasty reached its peak.

3. 西汉王朝是历史上第一个统一的。

Western Han Dynasty was the first unified central monarchy in Chinese history.

4. 东晋时期文化繁荣,出现了许多杰出的文学家和艺术家。

The culture flourished during Eastern Jin Dynasty, many outstanding writers and artists emerged.

5. 三朝更替是历史上重要的变革,标志着不同历史时期的结束和新时期的开始。

The change of Three Dynasties is an important political transformation in Chinese history, marking the end of different historical periods and the beginning of a new era.


1. 三朝之后可以替换为“三代之后”,指历史上三个朝代之后的时期。

After the Three Dynasties can be replaced by "after the three generations", referring to the period after the three dynasties in Chinese history.

2. 三朝更替可以替换为“三代更迭”,指历史上不同朝代的更迭。

The change of Three Dynasties can be replaced by "succession of three generations", referring to the succession of different dynasties in Chinese history.

3. 西汉、东晋和唐朝可以分别替换为“前汉”、“后晋”和“大唐”,指历史上的前后两个汉朝和盛极一时的唐朝。

Western Han, Eastern Jin and Tang Dynasty can be respectively replaced by "Former Han", "Later Jin" and "Great Tang", referring to the two Han dynasties in China's history and the prosperous Tang Dynasty.




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