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The meaning of the phrase "万卷书不如行万里路" is that reading thousands of books cannot compare to the benefits and experiences gained from traveling thousands of miles. This phrase emphasizes the importance of practice and experience over mere knowledge acquisition.


Wàn juǎn shū bùrú xíng wàn lǐ lù



This phrase is often used to encourage people to take action and explore, rather than just staying in theoretical knowledge. It can also be used to describe how a person's experiences and adventures are more valuable than what they have learned.


1. 你可以读再多的书,但如果没有实践,那就无法真正理解其中的意义。

No matter how many books you read, without practice, you cannot truly understand their meaning.

2. 我们应该多出去旅行,因为万卷书不如行万里路。

We should travel more, because reading thousands of books cannot compare to the experiences gained from traveling thousands of miles.

3. 学校教育可以帮助我们获取知识,但是实践和经历才能让我们成为真正的学习者。

School education can help us acquire knowledge, but it is practice and experience that truly make us learners.

4. 这句话提醒我们,不要只满足于书本上的知识,而是要去探索和更多。

This phrase reminds us not to be content with knowledge from books, but to go out and explore and discover more.

5. 我们应该多出去旅行,因为在路上学到的东西比在书本上学到的更加珍贵。

We should travel more, because what we learn on the road is more precious than what we learn from books.


1. 行万里路胜读万卷书:意思相同,强调实践和经历比知识获取更重要。

2. 实践出真知:指通过实际操作来获得真正的知识。

3. 踏踏实实做人,认认真真做事:强调勤奋和脚踏实地的重要性。

4. 经验是最好的老师:强调通过亲身经历来学习和成长。

5. 实践是检验真理的唯一标准:指通过实际操作来验证和证明事物的真实性。




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