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qī qíng liù yù



The seven emotions and six desires refer to the basic human emotions and desires, which are classified into seven categories of joy, anger, worry, thought, sorrow, fear and love, and six categories of wealth, sex, food, sleep, money and fame. They are an inherent part of human nature and play an important role in shaping human behavior.


The term "七情六欲" is often used in traditional Chinese philosophy and literature to describe the complex range of human emotions and desires.

Example Sentences:

1. 人类的七情六欲是永恒不变的,它们影响着我们的每一次选择。

Human's seven emotions and six desires are eternal and they influence every decision we make.

2. 在中,修行的目的就是要超越七情六欲,达到心灵的平静。

In Buddhism, the goal of practice is to transcend the seven emotions and six desires and achieve inner peace.

3. 这部电影展现了人性中最深沉的七情六欲,让观众思考生命的意义。

This movie portrays the deepest aspects of human nature - the seven emotions and six desires - prompting viewers to contemplate the meaning of life.

4. 贪婪和欲望是七情六欲中最具破坏性的两种,它们常常导致人们做出错误的决定。

Greed and desire are two of the most destructive aspects of the seven emotions and six desires, often leading people to make wrong decisions.

5. 作为人类,我们必须学会自己的七情六欲,而不是被它们所驱使。

As humans, we must learn to control our seven emotions and six desires instead of being controlled by them.


情感 (qíng gǎn), 欲望 (yù wàng), 心理 (xīn lǐ), 欲求 (yù qiú)

Editor's Summary:

The concept of "七情六欲" has been deeply rooted in Chinese culture for centuries, reflecting the complexity of human nature. It reminds us to be aware of our emotions and desires, and to strive for inner peace and balance. As editors, we should always keep in mind the power of words and their impact on shaping our understanding of the world.


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