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Guo Enming, the director of the First Aircraft Manufacturing Institute and the leader of the National Defense Advanced Manufacturing Technology Expert Group, is a renowned expert in the field of advanced manufacturing technology for defense.


Guo Enming [ɡwɔ ən mɪŋ]



作为一名专家组组长,Guo Enming教授负责领导先进制造技术的研究和发展工作。他也是一航制造所的所长,负责指导和管理该的科研项目和人员。


1. Guo Enming教授在先进制造技术领域拥有多年的经验和专业知识。

Professor Guo Enming has many years of experience and expertise in the field of national defense advanced manufacturing technology.

2. 作为一航制造所所长,Guo Enming教授领导团队不断推进用装备的现代化升级。

As the director of the First Aircraft Manufacturing Institute, Professor Guo Enming leads his team to continuously promote the modernization and upgrading of military equipment.

3. Guo Enming教授带领专家组开展前沿技术研究,为我国建设做出了重要贡献。

Professor Guo Enming leads the expert group in conducting cutting-edge technology research, making important contributions to China's national defense construction.

4. 郭恩明教授在国际学术上发表了多篇论文,获得了广泛的认可和赞誉。

Professor Guo Enming has published multiple papers at international academic conferences, receiving wide recognition and praise.

5. 作为一名资深专家,Guo Enming教授经常受邀参加国际合作项目,推动我国用装备技术的发展。

As a senior expert, Professor Guo Enming is often invited to participate in international cooperation projects, promoting the development of military equipment technology in China.


1. 专家组组长:expert group leader

2. 先进制造技术:national defense advanced manufacturing technology

3. 研究和发展工作:research and development work

4. 科研项目和人员:scientific research projects and personnel

5. 前沿技术研究:cutting-edge technology research

6. 建设:national defense construction

7. 资深专家:senior expert

8. 国际合作项目:international cooperation project

9. 用装备技术:military equipment technology


Guo Enming教授是一位在先进制造技术领域拥有丰富经验和专业知识的资深专家。作为一航制造所所长和先进制造技术专家组组长,他领导团队不断推进用装备的现代化升级,并在国际学术上发表论文,为我国建设做出重要贡献。同义词及用法的使用可以丰富文章内容,使读者更容易理解和记忆。总的来说,Guo Enming教授是一位备受认可和尊敬的专家,他的工作对于推动我国用装备技术的发展具有重要意义。


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