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英文:a large sum of money

音标:[ə lɑːrdʒ sʌm ɒv ˈmʌni]

怎么读(音标):发音为“uh lahrj suhm uhv muh-nee”。



1. She inherited a large sum of money from her grandfather. 她从祖父那里继承了一大笔钱。

2. The company invested a large sum of money in the new project. 公司在这个新项目上投入了一大笔钱。

3. He won a large sum of money in the lottery and decided to retire early. 他在中赢得了一大笔钱,决定提前退休。

4. It takes a large sum of money to start your own business. 创业需要一大笔钱。

5. The government allocated a large sum of money for education reform this year. 今年拨出了一大笔钱用于教育改革。


1. A fortune (n.) - 形容巨额财富,可以用来表示某人很有钱或者某项事业需要很多资金。

例句:He inherited a fortune from his parents and used it to start his own company. 他从父母那里继承了一大笔钱,用来创办自己的公司。

2. A hefty sum (n.) - 形容数量可观的金钱,通常指高额的金额。

例句:The renovation of their house cost them a hefty sum of money. 他们房子的翻修花费了一大笔钱。

3. A considerable amount (n.) - 形容数量可观的金钱,也可以用来表示其他事物的数量可观。

例句:She spent a considerable amount of money on her wedding dress. 她在婚纱上花费了一大笔钱。

4. A substantial sum (n.) - 形容数量可观的金钱,通常指高额的金额。

例句:The company donated a substantial sum of money to charity. 公司向慈善捐赠了一大笔钱。


一大笔钱是一个常用的词组,形容数量巨大的金钱。它可以用来表示某人拥有很多财富或者某项事业所需要的高额资金。除了“a large sum of money”外,还可以使用同义词如“a fortune”、“a hefty sum”、“a considerable amount”和“a substantial sum”。在写作中,可以根据语境选择最合适的表达方式来描述一大笔钱。


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