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英文:Seeing only the leaves, not the mountain; Being blinded by the leaves and unable to see the whole mountain.

音标:[yī yè zhàng mù, bù jiàn tài shān shì shén me yì si]


[yī yè zhàng mù, bù jiàn tài shān shì shén me yì si]




1. 他总是被小事情所困扰,真是一叶障目,不见泰山。

He is always troubled by trivial matters, he is really blinded by the leaves and unable to see the whole mountain.

2. 有时候我们需要放下眼前的琐碎,才能看到更广阔的天地。别让一叶障目,不见泰山。

Sometimes we need to let go of the trivialities in front of us in order to see a broader world. Don't let the leaves blind you and miss the whole mountain.

3. 应该从长远的发展角度出发,不能只顾眼前的利益,否则就是一叶障目,不见泰山。

The government should take a long-term perspective and not just focus on short-term interests, otherwise it will be blinded by the leaves and unable to see the whole mountain.

4. 老板总是只关注某个小问题,却忽略了公司整体的发展方向,真是一叶障目,不见泰山。

The boss always only focuses on a small issue but ignores the overall development direction of the company, he is truly blinded by the leaves and unable to see the whole mountain.

5. 有些人因为被表面光鲜的生活所迷惑,而忽略了内心真正想要的东西,他们已经一叶障目,不见泰山了。

Some people are so blinded by the glamorous life that they neglect what they truly want inside, they are already blinded by the leaves and unable to see the whole mountain.


1. 狭隘之见:指眼界狭窄、思维僵化而无法看到更广阔的世界。

2. 局限性:指被局部所限制而无法把握全局。

3. 目光短浅:指缺乏远见,只看眼前而忽略长远发展。

4. 隔靴搔痒:比喻做事不彻底,只解决表面问题而无法解决根本问题。

5. 覆水难收:比喻已经发生的事情无法挽回。




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