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Yes_man是指一种人,他们总是无条件地赞同他人的意见或者做法,缺乏自己的主见和独立思考能力。这种人通常会被认为是唯唯诺诺、没有个性和原则的。这个词源于英文中的“yes man”,字面意思为“说‘是’的人”。

音标:[jes mæn]

读音:/jɛs mæn/



例句1:He is such a yes man, always agreeing with the boss's ideas.

他就是一个典型的yes man,总是赞同老板的想法。

例句2:I don't want to be a yes man, I have my own opinions.

我不想当一个yes man,我有自己的想法。

例句3:The company is full of yes men, no one dares to question the boss's decisions.

公司里充满了yes men,没有人敢质疑老板的决定。

例句4:She is tired of being surrounded by yes men, she wants someone who can challenge her ideas.

她厌倦了被一群yes men包围,她希望有人能够挑战她的想法。

例句5:Don't be a yes man, have your own opinions and stand up for them.

不要成为一个yes man,要有自己的想法并且坚持它们。


1. Sycophant (n.) 奉承者,谄媚者

例句:He is a sycophant, always trying to please his superiors.

2. Follower (n.) 追随者,从属者

例句:He is just a follower, always agreeing with others and never having his own ideas.

3. Lackey (n.) 侍从,走狗

例句:She doesn't want to be seen as a lackey, always obeying her boss's orders without question.

4. Puppet (n.) 傀儡,木偶

例句:The president's advisors are just puppets, they have no real power or influence.

5. Conformist (n.) 从众者,顺从者

例句:He is a conformist, always following the majority and never standing out with his own opinions.




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