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音标:/wɪðˈɪn ənd wɪˈðaʊt ðə ˈbɔːdərz/



1. 作为介词短语使用时,表示在某一范围、限制或条件之内或之外。:

- The company operates both within and without the borders of the United States. (这家公司在美国境内和境外都有业务。)

- The artist's work reflects the struggles within and without the borders of her country. (这位艺术家的作品反映了她所在内外的斗争。)

2. 在句子中作为副词使用时,表示在某一范围或限制之内或之外。:

- She could hear the music from within and without the borders of her room. (她可以听到来自房间内外的音乐。)

- The team has been working tirelessly to improve relationships both within and without the borders of their community. (该团队一直在不懈地努力改善社区内外的关系。)


1. The company's success has expanded its reach within and without the borders of its home country. (这家公司的成功使其在国内外都有了影响力。)

2. The artist's work explores the concept of identity within and without the borders of culture and nationality. (这位艺术家的作品探讨了文化和国籍内外的身份认同问题。)

3. The new trade agreement will benefit businesses both within and without the borders of the participating countries. (新的贸易协定将使参与国内外的企业都受益。)

4. The refugee crisis has brought attention to the struggles faced by those living within and without the borders of their home countries. (难民危机引起了人们对那些生活在自己内外的人们所面临的挑战的关注。)

5. The organization works to promote peace and understanding both within and without the borders of conflict zones. (该组织致力于促进地区内外的和平与理解。)


1. Inside and outside:表示在某一范围或限制之内或之外,意思与within_and_without_the_borders相同。

2. Within_and_beyond_the_borders:表示在内部和超出之间,意思与within_and_without_the_borders类似。

3. Within_and_outside:表示在某一范围或限制之内或之外,意思与within_and_without_the_borders相同。

4. Within_and_around:表示在某一范围或限制之内或之外,意思与within_and_without_the_borders相同。

5. Inside_and_outside:表示在某一范围或限制之内或之外,意思与within_and_without_the_borders相同。


within_and_without_the_borders是一个常用的英语短语,可以作为介词短语或副词使用,表示在某一范围、限制或条件之内或之外。它的同义词包括inside and outside、within and beyond the borders、within and outside、within and around以及inside and outside。通过使用这些短语,可以更准确地表达“在内部和外部”的含义。


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