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怎么读(音标):[waɪp aʊt]



1. The hurricane wiped out the entire village, leaving nothing but destruction in its wake.(飓风摧毁了整个村庄,只留下一片废墟。)


2. The new pesticide was so powerful that it wiped out all the pests in the field.(这种新的杀虫剂非常有效,把田里的害虫全部消灭了。)

3. The team was completely wiped out by their opponents in the final round.(这支队伍在决赛中被对手彻底击败了。)

4. The virus has the potential to wipe out entire populations if left unchecked.(如果不加,这种病毒有可能消灭整个人群。)

5. The stock market crash wiped out all of his savings, leaving him with nothing.(股市崩盘把他所有的积蓄都冲刷一空,让他一无所有。)

同义词及用法:annihilate、eradicate、exterminate、obliterate等都可作为wipe out的同义词,表示“彻底消灭”、“毁灭”。:The entire city was annihilated by the nuclear bomb.(整个城市被核弹毁灭了。)The government is determined to eradicate drug trafficking in this country.(决心在这个消除活动。)The disease has been exterminated thanks to the efforts of medical workers.(多亏了医务工作者的努力,这种疾病已经被消灭了。)The flood obliterated all the houses along the river bank.(洪水冲毁了河岸边所有的房屋。)

编辑总结:wipe out是一个常用的口语和非正式场合中使用的短语,它可以表示彻底消灭或摧毁某物或某事物,也可以指完全击败或摧毁某人或某团体。在使用时要注意语境,并且可以根据需要选择适当的同义词来替换,增加表达的多样性。


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