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why_do_you_think_that是什么意思_中英文、音标、的意思是“你为什么这样认为”。它由why(为什么)+ do(做)+ you(你)+ think(认为)+ that(那个)组成,用于询问对方的观点或想法。


怎么读(音标):[waɪ du jʊ θɪŋk ðæt]

用法:why_do_you_think_that通常用作疑问句,放在句首,后面接陈述句。也可以使用缩写形式“why do you think so”,意思相同。


1. Why do you think that she didn't come to the party? 你为什么认为她没有来参加聚会?

2. I don't understand why do you think that way. 我不明白你为什么那样想。

3. Why do you think that he is lying? 你为什么认为他在撒谎?

4. Can you tell me why do you think that this plan won't work? 你能告诉我为什么你认为这个计划不会成功吗?

5. Why do you think that it's a good idea to travel alone? 你为什么认为一个人旅行是个好主意?


1. What makes you think that...?和“Why do you think that...?”意思相同,也是用来询问对方的观点或想法。

2. How come...?和“Why do you think that...?”意思相同,也是用来询问对方的观点或想法,但更加口语化。

3. What's your opinion on...?和“Why do you think that...?”意思相同,也是用来询问对方的观点或想法。

4. Do you have any thoughts on...?和“Why do you think that...?”意思相同,也是用来询问对方的观点或想法。

5. Can you explain why...?和“Why do you think that...?”意思相同,也是用来询问对方的观点或想法。


why_do_you_think_that是一个常用于疑问句中的短语,通常用来询问对方的观点或想法。它可以与其他类似短语互换使用,如“What makes you think that...?”、“How come...?”等。在英语交流中,使用这个短语可以让对话更加流畅,并且表达出自己对他人想法的兴趣。


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