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1. 作为名词,wel可以表示欢迎、接纳或赞许的感情。:

- The warm wel from the locals made me feel at home. (当地人热情的接纳让我感觉像家一样。)

- He received a warm wel from his colleagues for his hard work. (他因为辛勤工作而受到同事们的热情赞许。)

2. 作为动词,wel可以表示欢迎、接纳或赞许某人。:

- The company welcomed the new employee with a special event. (公司用特别活动来欢迎新员工。)

- I was welcomed into their family with open arms. (他们热情地接纳我成为家庭一员。)

3. 作为形容词,wel可以表示友好和热情的。:

- He has a very wel personality and is well-liked by everyone. (他性格非常友好,受到大家喜爱。)

- The hotel staff were very wel and made our stay enjoyable. (酒店员工非常热情,让我们的住宿愉快。)


1. The wel reception from the audience made the performer feel confident on stage. (观众的热情欢迎让表演者在舞台上感到自信。)

2. The new student was warmly welcomed by his classmates on his first day of school. (新生第一天上学,同学们热情接纳了他。)

3. The company organized a wel party for its employees to celebrate their success. (公司为员工举办了一个欢迎派对,庆祝他们的成功。)

4. She always greets her guests with a wel smile and makes them feel at home. (她总是用热情的微笑迎接客人,让他们感到宾至如归。)

5. The local community gave a warm wel to the new family that moved into the neighborhood. (当地社区热情欢迎搬进附近的新家庭。)


1. Greet:作为动词,表示“欢迎、问候”;作为名词,表示“问候、招呼”。:

- He greeted me at the door with a big smile.(他在门口用大笑来问候我。)

- She received a warm greet from her colleagues on her first day at work.(她在第一天上班时得到了同事们的热情问候。)

2. Embrace:作为动词,表示“拥抱、接纳”;作为名词,表示“拥抱、欢迎”。:

- The team embraced the new player and made him feel like part of the family.(团队拥抱新队员,让他感觉像家人一样。)

- The festival was a celebration of diversity and cultural embrace.(这个节日是多元文化的庆祝和欢迎。)


wel是一个常用的英文单词,它可以作为名词、动词或形容词使用,意思都与“欢迎”的概念有关。在日常生活中,我们经常会用到这个单词来表达对某人或某事物的接纳和赞许。除了以上提到的用法外,wel还可以用于表示对新事物的接受和喜爱,:“I'm not familiar with this type of music, but I'm willing to give it a wel chance.”(我不熟悉这种音乐,但我愿意给它一个机会)。总之,掌握好wel的用法能够让我们在交流中更加自然流畅地表达自己的想法和感情。


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