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vice_versa [vɪs vɜːrsə] 是一个拉丁语短语,意为“反之亦然”或“相反地”。它由两个词组成,vice意为“相反”或“代替”,versa意为“反之”。在英文中,vice_versa通常作为一个副词或形容词使用。



vice_versa的音标为[vɪs vɜːrsə],其中vɪs的发音类似于英文单词"vis"中的"i"发音,vɜːrsə的发音类似于英文单词"verse"中的"erse"发音。


作为副词时,vice_versa表示某一事物与另一事物正好相反。:You can use a spoon or vice versa.(你可以使用勺子或者相反地)。作为形容词时,它表示两个事物互换位置或交换角色。:The teacher and student switched roles, and the student became the teacher and vice versa.(老师和学生交换了角色,学生变成了老师,反之亦然)。


1. She always does the opposite of what I suggest, and vice versa.(她总是做我建议的相反的事情,反之亦然)

2. The company is expanding its business in Europe and vice versa.(该公司正在欧洲扩大业务,反之亦然)

3. The children took turns being the leader and vice versa.(孩子们轮流做领导,反之亦然)

4. He was a great teacher and vice versa, he was also a great student.(他是一位伟大的老师,反之亦然,他也是一位伟大的学生)

5. I can speak French and vice versa, my friend can speak English.(我会说法语,反之亦然,我的朋友会说英语)


1. Conversely:作为副词时,表示与前面提到的事物相反。:She is very outgoing, while her sister is conversely very shy.(她非常外向,而她的姐姐则相反地很害羞)

2. On the other hand:作为连词时,表示与前面提到的事物相对立。:The company is expanding its business in Europe, on the other hand, it is downsizing in Asia.(该公司正在欧洲扩大业务,但另一方面,在亚洲却在缩小规模)

3. In reverse:作为副词时,表示与前面提到的事物相反。:You can use a fork or in reverse, you can use chopsticks.(你可以使用叉子或者相反地使用筷子)

4. Conversely speaking:作为副词短语时,表示与前面提到的事物相反。:He is very tall, conversely speaking, his brother is very short.(他非常高,反过来说,他的弟弟则很矮)

5. Contrarily:作为副词时,表示与前面提到的事物相反。:She always does the opposite of what I suggest, contrarily, she listens to her parents.(她总是做我建议的相反的事情,相反地,她听从父母的话)


vice_versa是一个常用的拉丁语短语,在英文中通常作为副词或形容词使用,表示两个事物互换位置或交换角色。它可以与许多同义词替换使用,如conversely、on the other hand、in reverse等。在写作中使用vice_versa可以使句子更加生动有趣,并且能够表达出两个事物之间的对立关系。


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