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Urban legend refers to a story or a myth that is widely circulated in a city or community, often fictional but believed to be true. It can involve supernatural phenomena, mysterious events, terrifying experiences and so on, often with elements of suspense and horror.

音标:[ˈɜːbən ˈledʒənd]

怎么读(音标):[er-buhn lej-uhnd]

用法:urban_legend作为名词使用,可用于句子中作为主语、宾语或定语。也可用于复数形式urban legends。

例句1:The urban legend about the haunted house has been circulating in our neighborhood for decades.(关于闹鬼房子的城市传说已在我们社区流传了几十年。)

例句2:Do you believe in the urban legend of the vanishing hitchhiker?(你相信那个消失的搭便车者的城市传说吗?)

例句3:The urban legends surrounding the abandoned hospital have attracted many thrill-seekers.(围绕废弃医院的城市传说吸引了许多寻求刺激的人。)

例句4:I heard an interesting urban legend about a cursed painting that brings misfortune to its owners.(我听说了一个有趣的关于一幅被诅咒的画作的城市传说,它会给拥有者带来不幸。)

例句5:The urban legend of the killer clown has become a popular ic for horror movies.(关于小丑的城市传说已成为恐怖电影中流行的话题。)

同义词及用法:urban_legend可以与其他词语替换,如urban myth、contemporary legend、modern folklore等,意思相同。



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