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trickster [ˈtrɪkstər]


英文:a person who cheats or deceives others, especially in a playful or mischievous way





1. The trickster convinced the villagers to give him all their money by promising them a magical potion. 这个骗子通过承诺给村民一种神奇的药水来说服他们把所有的钱都给了他。

2. The fox is often portrayed as a trickster in traditional folktales. 狐狸在传统民间故事中经常被描绘成一个骗子。

3. He was known as a notorious trickster, always coming up with clever schemes to fool people. 他被称为臭名昭著的骗子,总是想出巧妙的计划来愚弄人们。

4. The company's CEO turned out to be a trickster, embezzling millions of dollars from the company's funds. 公司的首席执行官原来是个骗子,从公司资金中盗取了数百万美元。

5. Don't trust that man, he's a known trickster who will do anything for his own gain. 不要相信那个人,他是一个出了名的骗子,为了自己的利益什么都会做。


1. Con artist: a person who cheats or tricks others, especially by gaining their trust and then stealing from them

2. Deceiver: a person who makes someone believe something that is not true; a liar

3. Fraudster: a person who engages in fraud or deceit, especially for financial gain

4. Imposter: a person who pretends to be someone else in order to deceive others

5. Swindler: a person who uses deception or fraudulent schemes to cheat others out of money or property



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