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1. transparent [adjective] (of a material or object) allowing light to pass through so that objects behind can be distinctly seen; clear

透明的 [形容词] (材料或物体)允许光线通过,以便可以清晰地看到后面的物体;清澈的

2. transparent [adjective] (of an action, process, or system) operating in a way that is easily understood and not secret or hidden

透明的 [形容词] (行动、过程或)以易于理解且不秘密或隐藏的方式运作

3. transparent [adjective] (of a person or their behavior) open and honest; not trying to hide anything

坦率的 [形容词] (人或其行为)开放和诚实;不想隐藏任何事情



transparent 的音标为 /trænsˈpærənt/,其中"æ"发短元音音标,读作 "a" 的发音。


1. 作为形容词,transparent 可以用来描述材料、物体、行动、过程、和人的特性。如:

- The glass is transparent, so you can see through it easily.


- The company's financial records are transparent and can be accessed by anyone.


- She is a transparent person and always tells the truth.


2. 另外,transparent 还可以作为名词,指代透明材料或物体。如:

- The artist used transparent inks to create a beautiful painting.



1. The water in the lake was so transparent that you could see fish swimming at the bottom. (湖水非常清澈,你可以看到底部游动的鱼。)

2. The company's financial reports are completely transparent, showing all their income and expenses. (公司的财务报表完全透明,显示了所有收入和支出。)

3. She was very transparent about her feelings for him, and he appreciated her honesty. (她对他的感情非常坦率,他很欣赏她的诚实。)

4. The artist used layers of transparent colors to create a stunning effect in his painting. (艺术家使用多层透明色彩在画作中创造出令人惊叹的效果。)

5. The government promised to be more transparent in its decision-making process, but many people still doubt their sincerity. (承诺在决策过程中更加透明,但许多人仍然怀疑他们的诚意。)


1. clear - 指物体或材料具有透明的质地,允许光线通过;也可以指想法或信息易于理解。

2. see-through - 指物体具有透明的质地,可以看穿。

3. honest - 指人或行为诚实、坦率。

4. open - 指行动、过程或公开、透明。

5. translucent - 指物体允许部分光线通过,但不完全透明。


Transparent 是一个形容词,可用来描述材料、物体、行动、过程和人的特性。它也可以作为名词,指代透明材料或物体。除了字面意义上的透明外,它还可以引申为易于理解和坦率的含义。在写作中使用 transparent 可以使文章更加生动有趣,并且能够准确地表达你想要表达的意思。


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