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terrified是一个英文单词,意思是非常害怕或恐惧的。它的中文翻译为“惊恐的”。音标为 /ˈterəfaɪd/。


用法方面,terrified可以作为形容词,用来形容人或动物感到非常害怕或恐惧。也可以作为过去分词,表示某人或某物已经被惊恐。:The little girl was terrified of spiders.(那个小女孩非常害怕蜘蛛。)He was terrified by the loud noise.(他被巨大的噪音吓坏了。)


1. The terrified dog cowered in the corner, afraid of the thunderstorm outside.


2. The passengers were terrified when the plane suddenly dropped in turbulence.


3. She was too terrified to move when she saw the snake slithering towards her.


4. The villagers were terrified of the dragon that lived in the mountains.


5. He was so terrified by the horror movie that he couldn't sleep for days.


同义词及用法方面,terrified可以替换为frightened、scared或panic-stricken等词语。:The children were frightened by the loud thunder.(孩子们被巨大的雷声吓坏了。)She was scared of the dark.(她害怕黑暗。)The crowd was panic-stricken when the fire broke out.(当火灾发生时,人群都陷入了恐慌。)



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