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Swift code (n.) refers to a type of code used in programming languages. It can be used to create various types of software, including mobile applications, desk applications, websites, and server-side applications. Swift is a modern, secure, and easy-to-learn programming language developed by Apple Inc., which combines the best features of C and Objective-C and has a more user-friendly syntax and functionality.



/swɪft koʊd/


Swift code通常用于苹果公司开发的操作iOS、macOS、watchOS和tvOS上。它也可以在Linux上运行,并且有一个活跃的开源社区。使用Swift code可以快速地创建高性能、安全可靠且易于维护的软件。

Swift code is commonly used on Apple's operating systems such as iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS. It can also run on Linux systems and has an active open-source community. Using Swift code allows for the quick creation of high-performance, secure, reliable, and easily maintainable software.


1. I have been learning Swift code for a month and I am already able to create my own iOS app. (我学习Swift code已经一个月了,现在我已经能够创建自己的iOS应用程序了。)

2. The new update of the app was written in Swift code, making it faster and more efficient. (这个应用程序的新版本是用Swift code编写的,使其更快速和高效。)

3. As a beginner in programming, I find Swift code to be much easier to understand compared to other languages. (作为一个编程初学者,我相比其他语言,Swift code更容易理解。)

4. The company is looking for developers who are proficient in Swift code to join their team. (公司正在寻找精通Swift code的开发人员加入他们的团队。)

5. The course covers the basics of Swift code and provides hands-on practice for students to apply their knowledge. (这门课程涵盖了Swift code的基础知识,并为学生提供实践机会来应用他们所学的知识。)


1. Code:指计算机语言中的一组指令或程序代码,也可以泛指任何形式的编写或记录信息。

2. Programming language:指一种用于编写计算机程序的形式化语言。

3. Script:指一种轻量级编程语言,可以在网页上运行并实现特定功能。

4. Source code:指可读性较强、未经过编译的程序代码。

5. Markup language:指用于描述文本和其他信息如何在网页上显示的标记语言,如HTML和XML。


Swift code是一种现代化、安全性高、易于学习和使用的编程语言,它具有友好的语法和功能,可以用来创建各种类型的软件。它在苹果公司的操作上得到广泛应用,并且有一个活跃的开源社区。学习Swift code不仅可以帮助我们快速地创建高性能、安全可靠且易于维护的软件,还可以为我们未来的职业发展打下坚实的基础。


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