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1. 作为名词,表示“下级”,常用于商业、等场合。:

- The subordinates should always follow the orders of their superiors.(下属们应该始终遵从上级的命令。)

- He was promoted to a higher position after years of being a sub.(多年来做下级后,他被提升到了更高的职位。)

2. 作为动词,表示“替代”、“代替”。:

- I can't go to the meeting, can you sub for me?(我不能去参加,你能替我去吗?)

- The injured player was subbed off in the second half.(受伤的球员在下半场被换下场了。)

3. 作为前缀,表示“次要的”、“辅助的”。:

- Subheading is used to divide a long article into smaller sections.(副用来把一篇长文章分成小节。)

- The submarine is a type of warship that can operate underwater.(潜艇是一种能在水下操作的舰。)


1. He is the sub of the company and has to report to the CEO every day.(他是公司的下级,每天都要向CEO汇报。)

2. The teacher asked the students to sub in groups and present their ideas.(老师让学生们分组替代,展示他们的想法。)

3. The subcommittee was formed to handle the specific issue.(小组成立来处理具体问题。)

4. The subzero temperature made it difficult for people to go outside.(零下的温度让人们很难出门。)

5. The submarine can dive to a depth of 400 meters below sea level.(潜艇可以潜到海平面以下400米的深度。)


1. Substitute:作为动词时,表示“替代”、“代替”,作为名词时,表示“替补”。:

- I have to substitute butter with oil in this recipe because I'm out of butter.(我必须用油来替代这个食谱中的黄油,因为我没有黄油了。)

- The substitute teacher will take over while Mrs. Smith is on maternity leave.(Mrs.Smith休产假期间,这位替补老师会接管教学工作。)

2. Secondary:作为形容词时,表示“次要的”、“第二的”。:

- His primary goal is to become a doctor, but his secondary goal is to travel around the world.(他主要的目标是成为一名医生,但次要的目标是环游世界。)

- The secondary school is for students aged 12 to 18.(中学是给12岁到18岁的学生上的。)

3. Supplement:作为动词时,表示“补充”、“增补”,作为名词时,表示“补充物”。:

- The company will supplement your salary with a bonus if you meet the sales target.(如果你达到销售目标,公司会用奖金来补充你的工资。)

- The vitamin supplement is good for your health.(这种维生素补充剂对你的健康有益。)




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