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1. 作为名词,string可以指代物理上的细绳、线或者弦。:

- He used a string to tie the package. (他用一根绳子来捆扎包裹。)

- The guitar string broke during the concert. (吉他的弦在演唱会上断了。)

2. 在计算机领域,string也被用作术语,表示由一串字符组成的数据类型。:

- The program is designed to handle strings of up to 50 characters. (这个程序被设计用来处理最多50个字符的字符串。)

- You need to enter your password as a string of numbers and letters. (你需要输入一个由数字和字母组成的字符串作为密码。)

3. 在日常口语中,string还可以表示一系列连续的事物或。:

- She had a string of bad luck lately. (她最近运气不好。)

- The team has won a string of games this season. (这个队伍本赛季赢了一连串的比赛。)

4. 作为动词,string可以表示“串联、连接”。:

- We strung the lights around the room. (我们把灯串起来挂在房间里。)

- The beads were strung together to make a necklace. (这些珠子被串起来做成了一条项链。)


1. She tied a string around her finger to remind herself of the appointment. (她在手指上绑了一根细绳提醒自己约会的事情。)

2. The artist used different colors and strings to create a beautiful abstract painting. (艺术家用不同的颜色和线条创作出了一幅美丽的抽象画。)

3. The password must contain at least 8 characters, including letters, numbers, and special strings. (密码必须包含至少8个字符,包括字母、数字和特殊字符。)

4. The movie was a string of action scenes, with little plot or character development. (这部电影是一连串的动作场景,几乎没有剧情或人物发展。)

5. He strung together a series of excuses for being late again. (他又编造了一连串迟到的借口。)


1. rope:作为名词,指粗大的绳子,也可以表示“束缚”、“束手无策”。:He was tied up with ropes and unable to escape.

2. cord:作为名词,指较粗的线或绳索,也可以表示“电线、线”等。:He cut the cord with a pair of scissors.

3. thread:作为名词,指细的线,也可以表示“主题、脉络”。:She followed the thread of conversation and joined in.

4. filament:作为名词,指细长的物体,也可以表示“灯丝、电子线”。:The filament of the light bulb burned out.

5. sequence:作为名词,指一系列的事物或,也可以表示“顺序、序列”。:Please put the numbers in sequence.




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