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strategy: [ˈstrætədʒi]

中文: 策略,战略

怎么读(音标): ˈstrætədʒi




1. Our company needs to come up with a new marketing strategy to attract more customers. (我们公司需要制定一项新的营销策略来吸引更多的客户。)

2. The government's strategy to reduce unemployment has been successful so far. (降低失业率的策略到目前为止取得了成功。)

3. The general's strategy was to attack from the west while distracting the enemy from the east. (将的战略是从西方发起攻击,同时从东方分散敌人注意力。)

4. We need to rethink our investment strategy for the coming year. (我们需要重新考虑明年的投资策略。)

5. The team's strategy of playing defensively paid off in the end as they won the game. (球队最终赢得比赛,这要归功于他们采取的防守型战略。)


1. Tactic: [ˈtæktɪk] 战术,策略的一部分,通常指具体的行动步骤。:The company's new marketing tactics helped increase sales. (公司的新营销策略帮助增加了销售额。)

2. Plan: [plæn] 计划,指详细的安排和安排。:We need to come up with a plan to improve our customer service. (我们需要制定一个计划来改善客户服务。)

3. Approach: [əˈproʊtʃ] 方法,指解决问题或达成目标的方式。:We need to take a different approach to this issue. (我们需要以不同的方式来解决这个问题。)

4. Scheme: [skiːm] 计划,策略,含有欺诈或阴谋的负面意义。:The politician's scheme for gaining power was eventually exposed. (家为获得权力而制定的阴谋最终被揭露了。)

5. Game plan: [ɡeɪm plæn] 战略计划,通常用于体育比赛中,表示团队如何达成胜利的计划。:The coach's game plan was successful as the team won the championship. (教练制定的战略计划成功了,球队赢得了冠。)


Strategy作为一个名词,在日常生活中经常被使用,并且可以在不同的领域中使用,商业、、等。它指的是一种计划或方法,用来达成某个目标或解决某个问题。同义词有tactic、plan、approach、scheme和game plan,它们都有着类似的意思,但又各自有着不同的用法和语义。在撰写文档或制定计划时,我们需要根据具体情况选择合适的词汇来表达我们想要传达的意思。


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