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Steel pipe is a type of pipe used for conveying liquids, gases or solids, usually made of steel. It has the characteristics of high pressure resistance, corrosion resistance and wear resistance, and is widely used in industrial fields.


怎么读(音标):[stiːl paɪp]


例句1:The oil company needs to replace the old steel pipes with new ones to ensure safe transportation. (这家石油公司需要用新的钢管替换旧的钢管,以确保安全运输。)

例句2:The factory produces high-quality steel pipes for various industrial purposes. (这家工厂生产各种工业用途的高质量钢管。)

例句3:The workers are welding the steel pipes together to form a long pipeline. (工人们正在将钢管焊接在一起,形成一条长长的管道。)

例句4:The engineer designed a special type of steel pipe for this particular project. (这位工程师为这个特定的项目设计了一种特殊类型的钢管。)

例句5:It is important to regularly inspect and maintain the steel pipes to prevent any potential accidents. (定期检查和维护钢管是很重要的,以防止任何潜在的事故。)

同义词及用法:steel_pipe的同义词包括steel tube、steel conduit、metal pipe等,它们都指用钢材制成的管道。在工业领域,这些词经常可以互换使用。



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