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【英文】standard edition refers to the standard version, which is the basic version of a product or service that is usually simpler and more basic, and the price is relatively lower.


【读音】/ˈstændəd ɪˈdɪʃən/


【例句1】The standard edition of this software only includes basic features, while the premium edition offers more advanced functions. (这款软件的标准版只包含基础功能,而高级版提供更多高级功能。)

【例句2】The standard edition of this textbook is suitable for beginners, while the advanced edition is designed for more experienced learners. (这本教科书的标准版适合初学者,而高级版则设计给更有经验的学习者。)

【例句3】The standard edition of this car comes with manual transmission, while the deluxe edition has automatic transmission. (这款汽车的标准版配备手动变速箱,而豪华版则配备自动变速箱。)

【例句4】The standard edition of this game only has single player mode, while the ultimate edition offers both single player and multiplayer modes. (这款游戏的标准版只有单人模式,而终极版则提供单人和多人模式。)

【例句5】The standard edition of this magazine is published monthly, while the special edition is only released once a year. (这本杂志的标准版每月出版,而特别版则每年只发行一次。)

【同义词及用法】standard version、basic edition、regular edition、entry-level version



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