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[single] [ˈsɪŋɡl]



例句1:He is still single and has no plans to get married.(他仍然是单身,没有结婚的打算。)

He is looking for a single room to rent.(他正在寻找一间单人房出租。)

例句2:The company only produces a single type of product.(这家公司只生产一种类型的产品。)

She is a single mother and has to take care of her children by herself.(她是一个单亲妈妈,必须自己照顾孩子。)

例句3:Please put the letters into a single file.(请把这些信件放到一个文件夹里。)

I prefer being single, I don't want to be in a relationship right now.(我更喜欢单身,现在不想谈恋爱。)

例句4:I want to buy a single ticket for the concert.(我想买一张演唱会的单人票。)

She lives in a small apartment with just a single room and kitchenette.(她住在一个小公寓里,只有一个房间和厨房。)

例句5:The company's goal is to become the number one player in this industry, not just a single player.(这家公司的目标是成为这个行业的头号玩家,而不仅仅是一个单打独斗者。)

The teacher asked the students to work on the assignment as a group, not as single individuals.(老师要求学生们一起完成作业,而不是单个人完成。)

同义词及用法:alone(独自的;单独的), sole(唯一的;单一的), individual(个人的;单独的)。



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