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音标:[ʃʌt ɔf]


shut-off的读音为[ʃʌt ɔf],其中“ʃ”发音类似于汉语拼音中的“sh”,“ɔ”发音类似于汉语拼音中的“o”,读起来比较接近于汉语拼音中的“哦”。


1. shut-off作为动词使用时,常用于表示关闭电源、水源等。:

- The power company shut off the electricity for maintenance. (电力公司为了维修工作而切断了电源。)

- Don't forget to shut off the water before you leave. (离开前别忘了关掉水源。)

2. shut-off也可以用来表示停止或阻止某种活动或行为。:

- The government has decided to shut off all flights to prevent the spread of the virus. (已决定停止所有航班以防止病毒传播。)

- The alarm system will automatically shut off if there is no movement detected for a certain period of time. (如果一段时间内没有检测到任何活动,报会自动关闭。)

3. shut-off作为名词使用时,通常指某种设备或的关闭装置。:

- The shut-off for the gas stove is broken, so we have to use matches to light it. (煤气灶的关闭装置坏了,所以我们得用火柴点燃它。)

- In case of emergency, use the emergency shut-off to s the machine immediately. (紧急情况下,请使用紧急关闭装置立即停止机器。)


1. The factory was shut off from the outside world during the lockdown.


2. Please remember to shut off all lights before leaving the office.


3. The water supply will be shut off for a few hours due to maintenance work.


4. I accidentally shut off my lap while working on an important document.


5. The emergency shut-off button is located on the control panel.



1. turn off:与shut off意思相近,也可表示“关闭”、“切断”。:

- Don't forget to turn off the lights when you leave the room. (离开房间时别忘了关灯。)

- The plumber turned off the water supply to fix the leak. (水管工关闭了水源来修理漏水。)

2. cut off:意为“切断,中断”,常用于表示停止供应电力、水源等。:

- The power company has to cut off the electricity in this area due to a storm. (由于风暴,电力公司不得不在这个地区停止供电。)

- The heavy rain has caused a landslide, cutting off the water supply for this village. (大雨导致山体滑坡,切断了这个村庄的供水。)

3. close:除了表示“关闭”外,还可以表示“结束,终止”。:

- The bank will close all branches at 3 p.m. today due to a staff meeting. (由于员工,银行将在今天下午3点关闭所有分行。)

- The company decided to close its factory in China and move production to Vietnam. (公司决定关闭的工厂,并将生产迁移到越南。)


shut-off是一个常用的动词和名词,意为“关闭,切断”,可用于表示关闭电源、水源等,也可指某种设备或的关闭装置。其同义词有turn off、cut off和close等。在使用时要注意与其他类似词语的区别,并根据具体语境选择最合适的词汇。


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