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short_of是什么意思,英文翻译为"缺少",常用于表示某物或某人缺乏某种东西或状态。该词的音标为[ʃɔːrt ɒv]。


读作[ʃɔːrt ɒv],其中"short"的发音为[ʃɔːrt],重点在于发出清晰的"sh"音,而不是浊音"s";而"of"的发音为[ɒv],重点在于舌尖轻轻碰到上颚。



1. 表示缺少某种物品或资源:

- I'm short of money this month, so I can't afford to go on vacation. (这个月我缺钱,所以无法去度假。)

- The company is short of staff, so they are looking for new employees. (公司缺乏员工,所以他们正在寻找新员工。)

2. 表示缺乏某种能力或状态:

- She is short of patience, so she easily gets angry with her children. (她缺乏耐心,所以很容易对孩子发脾气。)

- The team is short of experience, so they lost the game. (这支球队经验不足,所以输掉了比赛。)

3. 表示缺少某种数量或程度:

- The project is short of funding, so we need to find more investors. (这个项目缺乏资金,所以我们需要找更多的投资者。)

- The film is short of excitement, so it didn't do well at the box office. (这部电影缺乏激情,所以在票房上表现不佳。)

4. 表示短缺或不足:

- We are short of time, so we need to hurry up. (我们时间不多了,所以需要加快速度。)

- The restaurant is short of ingredients, so they can't make your favorite dish today. (这家餐厅的食材不足,所以今天不能做你最喜欢的菜。)


1. She's always short of money at the end of the month. (每个月底她总是钱不够用。)

2. The company is short of skilled workers, so they have to train new employees themselves. (公司缺乏熟练工人,所以他们必须自己培训新员工。)

3. He's short of breath after climbing the stairs. (爬完楼梯后他喘不过气来。)

4. The project is short of time and resources, but we'll do our best to finish it on schedule. (这个项目时间和资源都很紧张,但我们会尽力按时完成。)

5. I'm sorry, we're short of milk today. Would you like something else instead? (抱歉,今天我们没有牛奶了。你想要别的什么吗?)


1. lacking:与short of意思相似,但语气更强烈,强调缺乏的程度。

2. deficient:表示缺乏某种必需品或状态,含有不足的意味。

3. wanting:指缺乏某种必需品或状态,含有不足的意味。

4. insufficient:指数量或程度不够,不足以满足需要。

5. scarce:指稀缺或供应不足。




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