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setoff [sɛt ɒf] (英式英语) / setoff [sɛt ɔːf] (美式英语)



怎么读(音标):[sɛt ɒf] (英式英语) / [sɛt ɔːf] (美式英语)


1. 开始、启程:作为动词时,setoff通常用于表示开始或者启程。:

- We set off on our journey early in the morning.(我们早上早早就出发了。)

- The race will set off at 8 o'clock.(比赛将在8点开始。)

2. 引起、激发:作为动词时,setoff还可以表示引起或者激发某种情感或行为。:

- The loud noise set off a panic among the crowd.(巨大的噪音引起了人群的恐慌。)

- The movie set off a wave of nostalgia for the audience.(这部电影引发了观众对往昔的怀念。)

3. 抵消、抵消:作为动词时,setoff还可以表示抵消某种影响或者损失。:

- The positive feedback from customers set off the negative reviews from critics.(来自顾客的积极反馈抵消了评论家的负面评价。)

- The company's profits were set off by the unexpected expenses.(公司的利润被意外开支抵消了。)

4. 补偿物:作为名词时,setoff通常指代一种补偿物或者补救措施。:

- The company offered a setoff to the dissatisfied customers.(公司向不满意的顾客提供了一种补偿措施。)

- The settlement included a setoff for the damages caused by the accident.(这项和解协议包含了因事故造成的损失的补偿金。)


1. We set off on our trip to Europe last month and it was an amazing experience.(我们上个月开始了欧洲之旅,这是一次非常棒的经历。)

2. Her words set off a heated debate among the members of the committee.(她的话引发了成员之间的激烈辩论。)

3. The increase in salary was not enough to set off the rising cost of living in the city.(工资增加并不足以抵消城市生活成本的上涨。)

4. The company offered a generous setoff to compensate for their mistake and regain customers' trust.(公司提供了慷慨的补偿金来弥补他们的错误,并重新赢得顾客的信任。)

5. The setoff for the damages caused by the fire was not enough to cover all the losses.(因火灾造成的损失的补偿金不足以弥补所有损失。)


1. Start:作为动词时,start也可以表示开始或者启动某件事情。:We'll start our journey early in the morning.(我们早上早早就出发了。)

2. Trigger:作为动词时,trigger可以表示引发或者激发某种情感或行为。:The sound of the alarm triggered a panic among the crowd.(报声引发了人群的恐慌。)

3. Offset:作为动词时,offset可以表示抵消某种影响或者损失。:The positive feedback from customers offset the negative reviews from critics.(来自顾客的积极反馈抵消了评论家的负面评价。)

4. Compensation:作为名词时,compensation也可以指代一种补偿物或者补救措施。:The company offered a compensation to the dissatisfied customers.(公司向不满意的顾客提供了一种补偿措施。)




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