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serialization [ˌsɛriəlaɪˈzeɪʃən]



英文:the process of converting data or objects into a serial format for storage or transmission





Serialization is commonly used in computer science and programming to store and transmit data in a structured format. It is also used in web development, database management, and other fields where data needs to be organized and transmitted efficiently.


1. The serialization process converts the data into a series of bytes that can be easily transmitted over a network. (序列化过程将数据转换为一系列字节,可以轻松地通过网络传输。)

2. The developer used serialization to save the user's settings in a file. (开发人员使用序列化将用户的设置保存在文件中。)

3. Serialization allows for efficient storage and retrieval of complex data structures. (序列化允许高效存储和检索复杂的数据结构。)

4. The company's database uses serialization to store customer information in an organized manner. (公司的数据库使用序列化以有序的方式存储客户信息。)

5. In order to send the data over the internet, it needs to be serialized first. (为了通过互联网发送数据,需要先进行序列化处理。)


Serialization is also known as marshalling or packing. These terms are often used interchangeably, but they may have slightly different meanings depending on the context. Marshalling is commonly used in distributed systems, where data needs to be sent between different nodes. Packing is a more general term that refers to the process of converting data into a specific format for storage or transmission.


Serialization is an important concept in computer science and programming, as it allows for efficient storage and transmission of data. It is widely used in various fields such as web development, database management, and distributed systems. Understanding serialization and its various synonyms can help developers and professionals effectively manage and utilize data in their work.


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