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self-reflection [sɛlf rɪˈflɛkʃən]



[sɛlf rɪˈflɛkʃən]



1. 自我反思是指对自己的行为、想法、情绪等进行深入的思考和分析。它可以帮助人们认识自己的优点和缺点,从而改善自己的行为和生活。

Self-reflection refers to the process of deeply thinking and analyzing one's own actions, thoughts, emotions, etc. It can help people to understand their strengths and weaknesses, and improve their behavior and life.

2. 内省是指通过反思和观察来了解自己内心深处的想法和感受。它有助于人们更加清楚地认识自己,并提高个人成长。

Introspection is the process of understanding one's inner thoughts and feelings through reflection and observation. It helps people to have a clearer understanding of themselves and promote personal growth.

3. 自省可以帮助人们并解决问题,同时也能增强个人的意识水平和情商。

Self-reflection can help people to identify and solve problems, while also enhancing their self-awareness and emotional intelligence.

4. 自我反思也是一种重要的学习方法,通过回顾过去的经历来总结教训,并为未来做出更好的决策。

Self-reflection is also an important learning method, by reviewing past experiences and drawing lessons from them, and making better decisions for the future.

5. 自我反思是个人成长和发展的关键步骤,它可以帮助人们更加自信和成熟地面对生活中的挑战。

Self-reflection is a crucial step in personal growth and development, it can help people to face life's challenges with more confidence and maturity.

同义词及用法:introspection (内省);self-examination (自我检查);self-analysis (自我分析)



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